nedelja, 21. april 2013

Od 15. do 21. 4.

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Lepite v komentarje in se vrnite v torek zvečer. Čakala vas bo skupna objava, ki jo skopirate na svoj blog. :)

Lep teden vsem! ;)

četrtek, 18. april 2013

Slovenian bloggers 15/2013

Want to know what Slovenian bloggers were up to last week?
Hey, don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Katiee made a beautiful manicure! 

Lux wrote about Deborah 5 in 1 BB Cream.

Maja wrote a Figs & Rouge Cherry Blossom hand cream review.

UniqaPoly reviewed Essence gel tint. 

Taya told us what she thinks about Sleek Acid.

Alja showed us her favourite brushes.

Mateja bought her first mint polish.

Patricija made a prom suit for her brother.

C'est la vie shared her prom photos.

Pumpkin's nails

Lollistick made a beautiful make up.

Soul Fishing entered a fashion blogger contest - vote for her! :)

sobota, 13. april 2013

Od 8. 4. do 14. 4.

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Lepite v komentarje in se vrnite v torek zvečer. Čakala vas bo skupna objava, ki jo skopirate na svoj blog. :)

Lep teden vsem! ;)

sreda, 10. april 2013

Slovenian bloggers 13 & 14/2013

Want to know what Slovenian bloggers were up to last week?
Hey, don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

UniqaPoly has some empties. But she also reviewed something from Essence Vintage District LE.

Maja Ena wrote a March before & after post. And check her April's calendar

Check out Essence Floral Grunge TE haul & swatches by Lux. And the review of Catrice Camouflafe Cream.

Taya made swatches Barry M Textured polishes and review of Essence tint

Alja compared mint polishes. And dyed her hair in a very simple way.

Katiee made a blue manicure with striping tape & rhinestones. And swatched Essence Floral Grunge

Dee showed us her Essence 17-piece set and March favourites.

One of Matejas was in Planica. Also, check some fun pictures.

Check Katja's outfit

Ivana has beautiful nail polishes on her nails. 

Need some new polishes? Pumpin*'s selling them! But check out a nail polish she's not selling.

And something not just for girls - OutFit7 and a very useful post on how to find some symbols on OS X.

SoulFishing was cruising in Graz

Do you wanna know what C'est la vie is watching on TV?

sobota, 6. april 2013

Od 1. 4. do 7. 4.

Najprej se opravičujem, ker mi ta teden ni uspelo napisati objave pravi čas, bom pa linke dodala v objavo tega tedna in upam, da bo to okej. ;) Če kdo prejšnji teden ni oddal linka, lahko seveda ta teden odda dva. :D

Dodajte link do objave, ki je nastala od 1. 4. do 7. 4. 2013.
Lepite v komentarje in se vrnite v torek zvečer. Čakala vas bo skupna objava, ki jo skopirate na svoj blog. :)

Lep teden vsem! ;)